PATH="/usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" If you need to use these commands with their normal names, youĬan add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like: usr/local/Cellar/findutils/4.8.0_1 (31 files, 1.8MB) *Īll commands have been installed with the prefix "g". You can find the gnubin recommendation as part of the brew info command for a specific formula e.g.: $ brew info findutilsĬollection of GNU find, xargs, and locate I follow the brew recommendation to use the commands with their normal names and added the “gnubin” directory to my PATH: export PATH="/usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" ( Why was –with-default-names removed? is one example). There were changes over time how to install GNU core utilities and tools. GNU core utilities and GNU tools installation happens with: brew install coreutils Get the latest mac CLI tools with: PROD=$(softwareupdate -l | grep "\*.*Command Line" | head -n 1 | awk -F"*" '' | sed -e 's/^ *//' | tr -d '\n') || true Next brew step is to upgrade brew and brew formulae with: brew upgrade CLI Tools If not, a HomeBrew installation is executed.

The script checks if HomeBrew is installed already.

Homebrew is an open source package management system for macOS. I use Homebrew to install “stuff that I need”. I set a SUDO_USER variable as next step, because some of the following installations require sudo : SUDO_USER=$(whoami) Package Manager Homebrew

My script starts with the unofficial-bash-strict-mode and installs the xcode CLI: set -euo pipefail No time? jump straight to the scripts PreludeĪ macOS setup script is a bash script for me. Got a new MacBook and thinking about how to set up all the programming languages, packages, and IDEs? The followings scripts help you to automate your macOS setup.